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Ready to Join Designing Growth?

We bring together a community of agents who proactively invest in growth, to learn, get inspired, and connect.



  • Digital Marketing Training
  • Digital Design Training
  • Live Webinars

🎨 Inspire

  • Podcasts
  • Case Studies
  • Templates

🤝 Connect

  • Live Small Group Sessions
  • 1:1 Matchmaking

Looking for a Real Estate community to help you grow?

No doubt about it, it's getting harder out there to grow your real estate business. With high interest rates and stagnant inventories, we all need new growth strategies to continue generating those buyer and seller leads. 

That' why we've started [REAL GROWTH]. It's an online community created for agents who are proactive investing in growth.  Our community provides an online, private platform for agents to level up their digital skills by learning from our expert partners and content on digital growth and design for real estate.

TBD NAME is a community-driven approach to not only expand our members’ sphere of influence but also to learning new digital design and marketing strategies that will help them get more deals and better market their existing ones.

Why join our real estate community?

We're curating a community of agents who are active in their marketing. You should already be doing some offline and/or online marketing, but want to learn about the other ‘stuff’ you should be doing. If you are not active in your marketing, this isn’t the right community for you. Agents that join our community are able to:

Get Inspired
Curated media, digital templates, and tools.
Get Feedback
Consult our growth experts on your existing campaigns.
Live and recorded growth training from our partners.
Vetted agents who proactively invest in marketing.
Purchase Services
Access to our digital marketing and partner services.

Ready to join?

Awesome! We require all of our prospective members to fill out a short application form. Why? We want to make sure we vet every agent who joins our community.

Don't worry, it's a simple application (2-3 minutes) and we just want to make sure that you're proactively investing in marketing.

By only allowing agents who proactive invest in marketing, we want to create a vibrant community of agents to not only learn from us and our partners, but to also inspire each other. 

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Complete this short application form.

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Our team will review your application within 48 hours. 

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Approved? Great! You'll get a link to sign-up to pay for your subsciption.

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After providing payment, you'll get an invite to our community platform Circle.

Our Community Platform

We use Circle as an all-in-one platform to deliver recorded training/courses, livestream webinars, and manage our virtual and in-person community events. You'll be able to learn, connect, and get inspired all through an easy to use platform with an Android and iPhone mobile app. 

Enables our Real Growth community to learn, get inspired, and connect through:
  • Chat
  • Events
  • Livestream
  • Courses & Training
  • 1:1 Matchmaking